PUMPKIN DAY: Risotto cake and pumpkin pie bread
Yesterday was Halloween, so I play around with the pumpkin. It is not a party I like very much because here in Italy is not felt, and then there's the right atmosphere. Frankly, after seeing in Anglo children begin to draw witches and pumpkins a month before Halloween and waiting anxiously for that day to carve the pumpkin and put inside the candle, dress up and go around the houses in the neighborhood to ask sweets ... I personally go to a Halloween party in Milan it seems to me something very sad! But the pumpkin is a pumpkin, and thus this tradition should be maintained at least! I like very much (of course ... it is sweet!) LittleDrag and obviously not very (too sweet!), but yesterday he just liked the two dishes I have prepared, and then be allowed to publish:)
Risotto with pumpkin (x 2) INGREDIENTS:
150-200g rice 200g pumpkin
vegetable broth onion
butter parmesan marsala
Cook the pumpkin in broth (I put a potato, carrot and onion) until it is soft. At this point, remove from broth and mash well with a fork on a plate.
In another pot cook the onion with a little 'butter, add rice and toast it. Then spray with Marsala (I used this summer to buy a. .. Marsala!), let it evaporate and then add some 'vegetable broth. Halfway through cooking add the pumpkin and then continue to cook the rice adding from time to time the stock and stirring constantly.
When cooked stir in a knob of butter and Parmesan.
Unfortunately I forgot to take the photograph, but will make it soon because it'll just make sure to be quick!
Pumpkin Doughnut
This recipe I found in the blog but the Dolcetto public anyway because I liked the result very much (I only say that we have already made half out!) and already two people have asked me the recipe.
50g melted butter 200g sugar 2 eggs
3 tablespoons vegetable oil ½ cup milk
350g flour 400g pumpkin (cooked and mashed) 1 teaspoon cinnamon
100g chocolate chips
50g ground almonds 1 tablespoon baking
Start by mixing melted butter with sugar and then add all other ingredients in the above order, stirring well.
Bake at 170 degrees for 50 minutes (I used the silicone mold) around.
It 's really a delight.
The two plates are come well because the gourd was really good. I always try to choose well (the color must be intense), but not always successful. My grandmother is the proof: it cuts a piece and says that if you go to the pumpkin bottom is good (it is ripe at the right point), if it floats ... be thrown! Obviously I do not throw it because I have the backyard to run and get another, but by then I already know that the dish will not be exceptional: (