Thursday, June 26, 2008

Jeep Front License Plate Bracket Libertyhow To

chocolate tart with jam strawberry banana

In recent years I rappporto had a love-hate relationship with the pies, especially the crust! When I was a little more prepared with her grandmother, I do not know how many days I spent in doing strips, stellline or hearts to decorate cakes ... even when I was in high school was preparing the cake more often, and nobody had ever explained that the pastry should not be warm, you should not touch with hands, the butter should be so or what ... In short, when they started to give me one thousand tips for preparing the perfect crust .. my pies have started coming evil! Too hard or too crumble ... : (So I stopped doing them, although sometimes, when I ate some amazing pie prepared by friends or acquaintances, we try again! The result is that on my notebook now I have the recipe pastry for Liz, the Faby, of MammaDrag, Italian Cuisine ... help!
Last week, for birthday LittleDrag, I decided to try again. I did a mix of all the recipes and the result was ... perfect! This was the pastry that I wanted!


150 g butter 100 g sugar 2 egg

1 egg 300 g flour

a pinch of salt 1 / 2 tablespoon baking
1 jar of jam strawberries (made by MammaDrag)

First I cut the butter into pieces and then I worked a bit 'with his fingers and a bit' with a fork. Then I added the sugar, eggs and salt. I mixed all with a fork and then I added the yeast and flour. I quickly mixed with cold hands, I created a ball, I wrapped in plastic wrap and put in fridge for an hour.
Once ready, I laid 2 / 3 of the dough with a rolling pin to create the bottom of the tart. With the rest I made the strips to be put on the cake. I must say the strawberry jam MammaDrag has made a major contribution to the success of the cake, it was delicious!
Bake for 40 minutes at 180 degrees.
This is another one of those cakes that simple, especially when the jam is good for me to beat all cakes and creamy superfarcite!


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