Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Club Penguin How To Get The Colored Puffle

Mont Blanc

Lately I write a little blog, but today I ate a delicious cake that truly deserves to be published! As I understand the mum LittleDrag was looking for a way to use dried chestnuts, which had in the pantry and our friend Deborah has offered to prepare a mont blanc that had already been prepared before. Today we had lunch together with the specific purpose of tasting the sweet after a meal :-) and I must say that I liked very much and I'll definitely try to do it! Despite the appearance is not very sweet (if I understand it further reduced the sugar to 80 grams) but the prevailing taste of chestnuts and chocolate. I recently tasted in a restaurant, a chestnut parfait and honey and it was much sweeter than this. That is to say, this I did a while the other would not have ever done, although it was delicious!
Having some friends that I immediately thought of celiac, replacing the classics with the gluten-free biscuits, a cake is perfect for them!

Ingredients: 1kg boiled chestnuts

1 tablet 100 g sugar 500 g dark chocolate mascarpone

biscuits (eg Gold Saiwa)

Marsala to taste Chop the biscuits with amaretti and add the Marsala need to have a spreadable mixture. Boil the chestnuts and mash to obtain a puree and let cool. Add chestnuts to sugar, chocolate chips, half a pack of mascarpone and mix until achieving a homogeneous mixture. On a plate lay the first layer of the compound of chestnuts (2 cm) and spread over the dough for cookies, macaroons and Marsala, which we had put aside. Continue this process each time trying to reduce the radius of the layer of the combination as the final shape will be that of a mountain. Once out of the mixture, spread the remaining mascarpone over the entire surface of the cake using a spatula. Cover with plastic wrap and let rest in refrigerator for about 24 hours.


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