Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Best Medicine For 2nd Herpes Outbreak


base brunette : recipe here diam. 18

mounted dark chocolate ganache:
300 ml whipping cream sweetened
300 chocolate

cream white:
200 ml whipping cream sweetened condensed milk


white chocolate
sugar chocolate chip cookies
cocoa powder

Prepare base tufted into a mold of 18 cm. in diameter.
For the cream with dark chocolate ganache: pour the cream into a saucepan and bring to a boil, turn off when you see the first bubbles and pour the previously chopped dark chocolate and turn until completely dissolved. Cover at once with tissue paper apoggiata directly on the cream. Cool. Before you assemble the cake, directly in the pan, fitted with electric whips briefly the ganache.
For white cream: whip the cream and when steady pour a few tablespoons of condensed milk, for following your taste.
Assemble the cake: cut into 3 drives the base, wet each layer with syrup (made with sugar and water brought to a boil, then pour the rum, blend and let cool ). The first layer is filled with some of the ganache, then a disc of cake, proceed with the white cream, still a record of cake and finally other ganache that also spread across the board. Cover with a dusting of cocoa (not on board) and decorated with cookies, milk chocolate and sugar decorations.
Decorations sugar In a saucepan melt 4 tablespoons of sugar with a spoon and spread it on parchment paper giving the shape you want.
Decorations milk chocolate white Melt milk chocolate in the microwave and pour a tablespoon on baking paper. Let cool slightly and lift one side of the paper so as to give the curved shape.


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